Variations on the tutorial example#

In the Tutorial, we worked through an example, drawn from argparse and showed how to express that logic using the higher-level @command syntax. In this section we will explore some variations in the logic in that example that would be difficult or impossible to handle with argparse.

Positional arguments#

What if we wanted to supply x and y as positional arguments?

>>> from dollar_lambda import flag, option
>>> flags = flag("verbose") | flag("quiet")
>>> p = option("x", type=int) >> option("y", type=int) >> flags
>>> p.parse_args("-h")
usage: -x X -y Y [--verbose | --quiet]

This introduces a new parser combinator: >> which evaluates parsers in sequence. In this example, it would first evaluate the option("x", type=int) parser, and if that succeeded, it would hand the unparsed remainder on to the option("y", type=int) parser, and so on until all parsers have been evaluated or no more input remains. If any of the parsers fail, the combined parser fails:

>>> p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--quiet") # succeeds
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'quiet': True}
>>> p.parse_args("-typo", "1", "-y", "2", "--quiet") # first parser fails
usage: -x X -y Y [--verbose | --quiet]
Expected '-x'. Got '-typo'
>>> p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--typo") # third parser fails
usage: -x X -y Y [--verbose | --quiet]
Expected '--verbose'. Got '--typo'

Unlike with nonpositional in the previous section, >> requires the user to provide arguments in a fixed order:

>>> p.parse_args("-y", "2", "-x", "1", "--quiet") # fails
usage: -x X -y Y [--verbose | --quiet]
Expected '-x'. Got '-y'

When using positional arguments, it might make sense to drop the -x and -y flags:

>>> from dollar_lambda import argument
>>> p = argument("x", type=int) >> argument("y", type=int) >> flags
>>> p.parse_args("-h")
usage: X Y [--verbose | --quiet]
>>> p.parse_args("1", "2", "--quiet")
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'quiet': True}

argument will bind input to a variable without checking for any special flag strings like -x or -y preceding the input.

Variable numbers of arguments#

What if there was a special argument, verbosity, that only makes sense if the user chooses --verbose?

>>> from dollar_lambda import nonpositional
>>> p = nonpositional(
...     (flag("verbose") + option("verbosity", type=int)) | flag("quiet"),
...     option("x", type=int),
...     option("y", type=int),
... )

Remember that + evaluates two parsers in both orders and stopping at the first order that succeeds. So this allows us to supply --verbose and --verbosity in any order.

>>> p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--quiet")
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'quiet': True}
>>> p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--verbose", "--verbosity", "3")
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'verbose': True, 'verbosity': 3}
>>> p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--verbose")
usage: [--verbose --verbosity VERBOSITY | --quiet] -x X -y Y
Expected '--verbose'. Got '-x'


This is a case where you might want to use CommandTree:

>>> from dollar_lambda import CommandTree
>>> tree = CommandTree()
>>> @tree.command(help=dict(x="the base", y="the exponent"))
... def base_function(x: int, y: int):
...     args = dict(x=x, y=y)
...     print("invoked base_function with args", args)
>>> @base_function.command()
... def verbose_function(x: int, y: int, verbose: bool, verbosity: int):
...     args = dict(x=x, y=y, verbose=verbose, verbosity=verbosity)
...     print("invoked verbose_function with args", args)
>>> @base_function.command()
... def quiet_function(x: int, y: int, quiet: bool):
...     args = dict(x=x, y=y, quiet=quiet)
...     print("invoked quiet_function with args", args)
>>> tree("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--verbose", "--verbosity", "3")
invoked verbose_function with args {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'verbose': True, 'verbosity': 3}
>>> tree("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--quiet")
invoked quiet_function with args {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'quiet': True}
>>> tree("-x", "1", "-y", "2")
invoked base_function with args {'x': 1, 'y': 2}


What if we want to specify verbosity by the number of times that --verbose appears? For this we need Parser.many. Before showing how we could use .many in this setting, let’s look at how it works.

parser.many takes parser and tries to apply it as many times as possible. Parser.many is a bit like the * pattern, if you are familiar with regexes. Parser.many always succeeds:

>>> p = flag("verbose").many()
>>> p.parse_args() # succeeds
>>> p.parse_args("--verbose") # still succeeds
{'verbose': True}
>>> p.parse_args("--verbose", "--verbose") # succeeds, binding list to 'verbose'
{'verbose': [True, True]}

Now returning to the original example:

>>> p = nonpositional(
...     flag("verbose").many(),
...     option("x", type=int),
...     option("y", type=int),
... )
>>> args = p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2", "--verbose", "--verbose")
>>> args
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'verbose': [True, True]}
>>> verbosity = len(args['verbose'])
>>> verbosity


In the previous example, the parse will default to verbosity=0 if no --verbose flags are given. What if we wanted users to be explicit about choosing a “quiet” setting? In other words, what if the user actually had to provide an explicit --quiet flag when no --verbose flags were given?

For this, we use Parser.many1. This method is like Parser.many except that it fails when on zero successes (recall that .many always succeeds). So if Parser.many is like regex *, Parser.many1 is like +. Let’s take a look:

>>> p = flag("verbose").many()
>>> p.parse_args() # succeeds
>>> p = flag("verbose").many1() # note many1(), not many()
>>> p.parse_args() # fails
usage: --verbose [--verbose ...]
The following arguments are required: --verbose
>>> p.parse_args("--verbose") # succeeds
{'verbose': True}

To compel that --quiet flag from our users, we can do the following:

>>> p = nonpositional(
...     ((flag("verbose").many1()) | flag("quiet")),
...     option("x", type=int),
...     option("y", type=int),
... )

Now omitting both --verbose and --quiet will fail:

>>> p.parse_args("-x", "1", "-y", "2")
usage: [--verbose [--verbose ...] | --quiet] -x X -y Y
Expected '--verbose'. Got '-x'
>>> p.parse_args("--verbose", "-x", "1", "-y", "2") # this succeeds
{'verbose': True, 'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>>> p.parse_args("--quiet", "-x", "1", "-y", "2") # and this succeeds
{'quiet': True, 'x': 1, 'y': 2}